Archive Mode. Call Interpretations 2021 ended on 2/11/21, 12:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Interpretations 2021
Call for Entries

Visions Art Museum (VAM) is proud to announce the call for entries for Interpretations 2021, the museum’s 22nd international juried exhibition. Exhibition jurors will select innovative textile art that explores form and technique of both 2D art quilts and 3D free standing work that highlight fiber. Selected works will be featured in a full-color exhibition catalog. Cash prizes will be awarded.
Interpretations 2021 will be on display at VAM in San Diego, from October 16, 2021 to January 2, 2022. Selected artists will receive further information regarding participation during Interpretations 2021 Festival Days. Festival Days will include workshops, lectures, artist meet and greets, receptions and other gatherings. Participation by selected artists is highly encouraged but not required.


Jan 1, 2021 Call for Entry Opens (Online Only)
Feb 11, 2021 Call for Entry Closes (12 noon PST)
Mar 31, 2021 Artists notified of jurors’ selections
Apr 12, 2021 Public announcement of accepted artists
Sep 29, 2021 Deadline for artwork to arrive at VAM
Oct 13-17, 2021 Interpretations Festival Days
Oct 16, 2021 Opening Reception
Jan 2, 2022 Exhibition Closes
Jan 14, 2022 Artwork pick up deadline
Jan 14, 2022 Artwork shipping deadline
  • Entry is open to the general public. Museum membership not required.
  • Artists may submit up to three (3) entries. Only one (1) entry by each artist may be selected.
  • The non-refundable fee for entering up to three (3) works is $25 for all VAM members and $40 for non-members.
  • Artwork submitted for consideration must have been completed on or after January 1, 2019.
  • Artwork must be original and produced by the individual or a collaboration of a maximum of two (2) artists. Works created in a workshop or class are not eligible for submission.
  • Artworks for sale are strongly encouraged; however, NFS (Not for Sale) works may be entered.
General specifications
  • There are no minimum size requirements.
  • There is a 20 pound maximum for any work.
  • All entries must highlight fiber.
Specifications for art quilts   
  • All quilts to be hung on the wall must be sent in “ready to display” condition with hanging apparatus attached.
  • Maximum size requirement for a wall quilt is 72 inches H x 72 inches W x 10 inches D. This includes framed or stretched work.
  • All wall hung art must hang without distortion either with stretcher bars, stitched on sleeve, or other integrated hanging system.
  • Art quilts, unless framed or stretched, must have a 3 inch sleeve securely attached to the back of the art quilt. Art quilts 50 inches or wider must have a center opening in the sleeve to allow for the hanging system VAM uses. A second sleeve at the bottom of the work is recommended.
Specifications for free standing work
  • Free standing 3-dimensional sculptural works may be submitted.
  • Maximum size requirements for this free-standing work is 72 inches H x  24 inches W x  24 inches D.
  • All submissions for consideration must be accompanied by photographs that meet the following requirements:
    • One (1) overall digital image and one (1) detail digital image for each piece of artwork.
    • Digital images must be saved as a high-quality JPEG file (no TIFF files).
    • Finished images should be 2500 pixels on the longer side.
    • There is a 4 MB maximum on any image that is uploaded. If an image is larger than that, artist will need to resize the image to 4MB.
    • Image file name must contain the artist surname, first initial and title of work, e.g. for Andrea Bacal’s Tulips filename would be bacalatulips. Do not use special characters, e.g., apostrophes, in your image file name. There is a security setting on the webserver that does not allow these characters to be uploaded.
  • If the images submitted do not meet our requirements, VAM staff will contact you.
  • The decision of the jurors is final.
  • VAM reserves the right to refuse to exhibit or to remove from the exhibition any art quilt which, upon receipt, is deemed unsuitable, including
    • poor quality
    • presence of hazardous materials
    • misrepresentation in the entry form or digital images. Selected art quilts will be compared with the images sent to jurors before the final selection is completed.
  • Selected artwork must be available from September 29, 2021 through January 15, 2022.
Artists will be notified of jurors’ selection via email by March 31, 2021. A public announcement will be made on April 12, 2021.
  • Artwork must be delivered by September 29, 2021 for the installation of the exhibition.
  • Selected artists are responsible for packing, shipping and insurance in transit both ways. A prepaid FedEx, DHL or UPS shipping label or account number is required for return shipping.
  • Selected artwork by non-US residents may be subject to additional customs duty.
  • VAM does not assume responsibility for customs or brokerage charges. Artists will reimburse VAM for any such charges incurred.
  • All artwork will be handled with extreme care and, when possible, returned in their original packing materials.
  • VAM insures accepted work while in its possession at 60% of the retail price or the declared insurance value of not for sale (NFS) works. Artists may be asked to justify the insurance value if required.
The artist retains the copyright of the work at all times. Images of selected artworks will be retained by VAM for promotional and educational purposes. Acknowledgment of the artist will be made in all such uses.
Artwork on exhibition may be offered for sale. If an artwork is sold:
  • The artist will receive 60% of the sale price.
  • VAM staff will notify the artist as soon as possible of the purchase.
  • Visions will remit the 60% commission to the artist and ship or prepare the art quilts for the buyer by January 15, 2022.


If an accepted artwork is withdrawn from the exhibition by the artist, that artist will be ineligible to submit to any VAM juried exhibition for the subsequent two juried exhibitions.

Betty Busby

After graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design with a ceramics major, Betty Busby founded a custom ceramic tile manufacturing firm in Los Angeles. After nearly 20 years of running the firm, she sold the business in 1994 (it is still in operation to this day). Upon relocating to New Mexico, she changed the focus of her artwork to fiber, taking it full time in 2004.
Her manufacturing background has lead to constant experimentation with new materials and techniques that fuel her work. Originally inspired by Amish quilts at the Kutztown County Fair near her childhood home in Pennsylvania, her work has made the journey from bed quilts to mixed media sculpture, and is constantly evolving and heading in new directions.                                 
The classic fractal structures of the sub microscopic world are a persistent model, as are natural processes, such as oxidation, replication and growth.

Valerie Goodwin                                                                                                             

Valerie S. Goodwin is a mixed media fiber artist and architect whose works of fine art are included in museum and private collections. Most of her work is inspired by a love of aerial views of landscapes and cities. Many of her quilts are based on maps. 
Goodwin’s art has moved through various stages from traditional quilting to an interest in abstract expressionism and, currently it is inspired by real and imaginary landscapes and cities. In some cases, her work shows an architectural sense of space with an archaeological perspective.  In others, the network of the city and its built form is more prominent.  These compositions work on several levels, from close-up and far away as if one was looking at it from above.
She received degrees in architecture from Washington University and Yale University. Her award-winning work has been widely published and exhibited. She also lectures and gives workshops nationally and internationally. For over 26 years, she taught architectural design at Florida A & M University.

Mi-Kyoung Lee

Mi-Kyoung Lee is Director of Craft & Material Studies Program, and Head of Fibers/ Textile at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia.   Lee has had eighteen solo exhibitions and a number of national and international lectures, curatorial and collaborative projects, and exhibitions, including the Arizona Art Museum, Cranbrook Museum of Art, Reading Public Museum, Painted Bride Art Center, New York and Chicago SOFA, Busan Metropolitan Museum in Korea, Espace de Tisserands, France, International Fiber Art Fair in Seoul, Korea, 10th International  Beijing Fiber Biennale, and 8th Beijing International Visual Art Bienniale in 2019.  Lee was an editor for Art Textile of the World:  Korea, Volume I, and Lee received a fellowship from the Center for Emerging Artist in Philadelphia.  Lee is a recipient of the Junior Minority Faculty Grant Awards from the Lindback Foundation as well as a number of faculty development grants from The University of the Arts and Korea Foundation for her research and curatorial projects. Lee was an editor for Art Textile of the World:  Korea, Volume I, which was published by the Telos Art Publishing company.  Since 2005, Lee has collaborated with International Opera Theater as a costume and set designer.


For information or questions about Interpretations 2021 and VAM, please contact Carol Sebastian-Neely or Barbara Dodson at .

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